10 Ways WWE Are Still Stuck In The Past
7. Talk Show Segments

Talk show segments have been part of pro-wrestling’s makeup for years. From Roddy Piper smashing a coconut over Jimmy Snuka’s head to Shawn Michaels throwing Marty Jannetty through a plate glass window, these setups have played host to some of the most iconic angles in wrestling history. They’re an easy way of generating tension and heat by putting two opposing characters in the same place at the same time, but as with most other good things, WWE have ran them into the ground.
The concept ran its course towards the end of the 1980s, but WWE still persist with them today. Piper’s Pit and Paul Bearer’s Funeral Parlour are classics, but the VIP Lounge and Heartbreak Hotel? Not so much.
The trope has become stale and predictable, yet we still see the odd Miz TV or Ambrose Asylum pop up on SmackDown every now and then. The major problem with these segments is that you know a fight is going to break out anyway, so why bother with the interview portion and just cut to the chase instead?
They’re not as pointless as in-ring contract signings, but it’s time for these segments to go. Nobody buys these contrived interactions anymore, and none of them will ever be as good as Piper’s Pit anyway.