10 Ways WWE Can Get More From Dean Ambrose

7. Play Up His Protectiveness Of Renee Young

renee young dean ambrose

It'd be understandable if WWE were tentative about playing to the gallery and making more of the real-life relationship between Ambrose and Renee Young.

As a gruff, rebellious sort of character, would it be wise to depict Dean's softer, more romantic side? Yes, yes it would, because love shouldn't be confused with emasculation.

Just because Dean might wish to protect Young, it doesn't mean he should start acting like a lovesick teenager. WWE need to start getting serious about what adult relationships can mean, as opposed to continually acting like women are defenceless idiots who need male help. Female revolution, remember?

It's a no-brainer to have Ambrose protect Renee's honour when fellow wrestlers disrespect her. Young can stand up for herself too, naturally, but why wouldn't Dean be irate about the love of his life being attacked? Lifting the lid on the couple's relationship could add a fresh dimension to both, particularly Ambrose.

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