10 Ways WWE Can Get More From Dean Ambrose

6. Put Him In A Tag Team

dean ambrose

Dean's staunchest supporters will have a field day with this idea, but how about trying out Ambrose in a tag team format? Before judging, remember that a random pairing born out of head-to-head rivalry worked for Sheamus and Cesaro. If Ambrose finds the right partner, then it may just work for him, too.

WWE have worked wonders with the Irish and Swiss connection currently tearing up Monday nights, and they may just have stumbled upon a blueprint that could work for other struggling singles stars. This doesn't necessarily need to be a long term thing either.

Teaming up with another Raw performer may reignite Dean's fire. If nothing else, it'd give him someone to turn on further on down the line too. Identifying the right fit for Ambrose's own gimmick is a challenge, although he does have history with Seth Rollins that may fit, if WWE wish to remove Seth from the top title picture temporarily.

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