10 Ways WWE Raw Has Improved Since The Brand Split

8. The Reign Is Over

Goldberg Raw

The way Roman Reigns was handled as a main eventer has been covered ad nauseam so I’ll keep this short. Fans no like Reigns. Fans are told like Reigns. Fans still no like Reigns.

I will echo that most of this wasn’t Roman’s fault, rather that he was presented as Super Cena 2.0 except for you know… no charisma. Another problem with Roman’s run on top was that he didn’t work with anyone that could believably keep the belt away from him so even during his chases it just felt like he was still champion.

Looking at Reigns now, the improvement on both his part and creative’s part has been monumental. His mic skill has improved and you can see he’s far more confident speaking in front of crowds. Even the IWC (Internet Wrestling Community) is starting to come around since he's begun to restore a real prestige to the United States Championship.

Roman’s improvements could occupy their own top 10 list but what matters is that he’s where he belongs for the time being and he’s not the only one…


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