10 Ways WWE Could Respond To CM Punk

1. Write Punk Out Of History

Cm Punk Written Out Of Histroy

That is The Best in the World's signature pose written out of the history books. This would be the most severe move WWE could do. We have only seen this once before when Chris Benoit was replaced by a silhouette in most packages WWE put together after his double-murder suicide in 2007. However, even the Canadian Crippler is still included in shows available on the WWE Network so the chances of seeing a silhouette replace Punk are virtually nil. Imagine the uproar this would cause Vince McMahon and his company. Imagine if Vince takes everything Punk said, and everything he is going to say on next week's Art of Wrestling podcast, to heart and goes ballistic. It is certainly going to be interesting to see how WWE reacts in the coming days and weeks. The second instalment of Punk's interview with Colt Cabana is available next Thursday on iTunes and at www.coltcabana.com.
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.