10 Ways WWE Treats Its Fans Like Idiots
8. Everyone Talks The Same
These days, you can predict the large majority of WWE promos in the current era before they’ve ever begun because you’ve heard them all before. Every single time a wrestler picks up a microphone they are essentially going down a WWE approved flow-chart. If you’re a babyface, make sure to remind everyone it’s your dream. If you’re a heel, wear a suit and tell the WWE audience that you “don’t need these people”.
The real issue is that characters and storylines lose their nuance when everything has to fit the formula. WWE couldn’t care less though and everything needs to be spelled out as simply as possible.
When wrestlers are reading promos that have been written for them, typically by out of touch old men, how can they hope to connect with the material? And, to that end, how can the audience? WWE tells us exactly how to feel with its Xeroxed scripts, but the end result is creating a cast of identical characters. It's hard to care about a superstar and their motivations if they sound like everyone else has for the last 15 years.
Wrestlers work overtime to add nuances and inflections, doing the best with what they’re given, to make an impact. Why? Because the company thinks its fans will respond to cookie cutter promos.