10 Ways WWE Treats Its Fans Like Idiots
9. Fake Crowd Noise
Some episodes of Raw are a challenge to watch from home. At least if you’re there live you have the benefit of your fellow audience members and their energy to get you through it… unless the episode is so bad that everyone sits in silence, wondering why they came.
You’d think that if a story or character didn't get the desired response it would be time to change direction, but higher-ups in WWE seem to think they know best. If the crowd isn’t responding to something, don't replace the wrestler. Just replace the crowd.
Piped in audience sound effects cannot replicate the real thing, and when watching at home more often than not you can hear the difference. This is even more obvious when the reused audio contains things that it shouldn’t. Recently, following a fake crowd pop for Drew McIntyre, a piece of old commentary could be heard of Michael Cole enthusiastically describing “16-time world champion” John Cena.
It’s one of many examples of WWE telling its audience how to feel, as if hearing an outdated tape of fans cheering for an unrelated wrestler being played over Vince's latest pet project will change our minds.
Fake crowd noise has never helped anyone get over. In fact, it just makes the company look stupid and pisses off the fans who see through the transparent behaviour.