10 WCW Moments You Totally Don’t Remember

2. Eric Bischoff As Hardcore Champ

Eric Bischoff WCW Hardcore Title
WWE Network

WCW can't take a bashing for this one, because Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson, and even one of The Godfather's Ho Train reigned as WWF Hardcore Champion. The Hardcore belts in both promotions were akin to a running joke, and they really weren't supposed to be taken seriously. At least people remember the WWF reigns though.

Who can recall Eric Bischoff standing proudly on Nitro with the WCW Hardcore strap draped over his right shoulder? Going one better, who remembers Bischoff borderline stealing it from Terry Funk with the help of Ernest 'The Cat' Miller? This was just another plot line in the non-stop bizarro world of WCW circa 2000.

Bischoff only held the Hardcore belt until Thunder, where he 'awarded' it to both Big Vito and Johnny The Bull. Why WCW didn't just have Vito or Johnny beat Funk on Thunder is anyone's guess. Was it really so vital that Bischoff had this utterly pointless stint as champ?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.