10 WCW Stars From The '90s You Totally Don't Remember

8. Ice Train

Teddy Long Ice Train WCW

Yes, that is a portly Teddy Long posing for a WCW promo shot with Ice Train, and no, he didn't immediately book Train in a tag-team match after the pic was taken.

Unlike most wrestlers on this list, Ice Train did have some minor success in the company and even worked a few pay-per-views during his run. The guy was raw, rather clumsy and didn't appear to have any promo skills, but he's arguably not as terrible as some others here.

Train's big moment was forming a tag-team with Scott Norton called 'Fire & Ice' that did gain some popularity without really threatening the Tag-Team Title division. They came close to winning more than once, including a #1 contendership loss to The Steiners at the 1996 Great American Bash, but they'd break up without a title reign.

You're still looking at that snap of Teddy though, aren't you? Holla' holla'!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.