10 WCW Stars Who Did WWE Gimmicks First

2. DDP

DDP The Rock

Those shirts. Man, those shirts.

Diamond Dallas Page and The Rock don't seem to match as comparable characters. One was a spirited rock n' roll babyface, and the other managed to turn arrogant third-person catchphrases into face gold. Why are they here then? Well, because DDP coined 'People's Champion' before Rocky did.

That's something so many people forget, likely 'cause WWE's version was vastly more successful. As the 'People's Champ', The Rock bridged a gap his cocky character needed. Meanwhile, a few years before that in 1997, Page carved out his own path as a man of the people who lived moments as an underdog hero fans dreamed about.

He was the first to use that 'People's Champion' moniker, not Dwayne Johnson. WWE would never admit that these days. It'd disturb their own retelling of wrestling history to accept that DDP fostered his own gutsy representation of fan support before they thought of it.

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DDP The Rock
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.