10 WCW Stars Who Did WWE Gimmicks First

8. Disco Inferno

Disco Inferno Fandango

Fandango has settled into a post-push niche of playing the detached comedian alongside Breezango buddy Tyler Breeze. When used correctly, it's good clean fun, but WWE has rarely made the most of the guy's skills. They gave him a bloody ballroom dancer gimmick, for goodness sake.

Though WCW's Disco Inferno wasn't likely to waltz onto stage like he was fresh from 'Dancing With The Stars', he was a dancer too. He'd jive to the ring shaking hips, borrowing moves from John Travolta and generally irritating the live audience by teleporting straight from 1970s disco scene.

Different dancing styles, but similar gimmicks.

Both existed to annoy wrestling fans who thought guys dancing looked silly. Inferno and Fandango were vehicles for easy heel heat, and WCW's clownish "disco dancing fool" must've been in WWE's mind when they introduced their own prancing baddie.

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