10 WCW Stars Who Did WWE Gimmicks First

7. Lex Luger

Lex Luger Chris Masters

Cheating alert.

Yes, it's true that Lex Luger first played a jumped-up bodybuilding marvel in the WWF, not WCW. As 'The Narcissist', he posed endlessly in front of mirrors and couldn't stop admiring his own hard work. Later, somewhere between 1999-2000, Luger reverted back into a muscle head on Nitro and Thunder.

Chris Masters' 'Masterpiece' gimmick shared a lot in common with Luger's latter-day WCW character. WWE's version was self-obsessed, loved prolonging his pre-match posing for as long as he possibly could and was designed to get under everyone's skin. In truth, Masters probably improved on 'sexy Lex's' formula.

Their nicknames were comparable too. The 'Total Package' and 'Masterpiece' monikers both sold arrogance and felt self-referential. Just as they had in the early-90s though, WWE fans refused to get totally on board with Masters' 'look at me' routine.

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