10 WCW Stars You Totally Forgot Existed

8. Lodi

Whilst the nWo dominated Nitro's airwaves during WCW's run at the top, they weren't the only renegade faction in town. Arguably, they weren't even the best. Making ripples in the undercard were Raven's Flock, a motley crew of misfits and outcasts led by the eponymous Raven. The stable - a continuation of a similar outfit from ECW - made minor stars of a number of wrestlers who would have otherwise been lost in WCW's massive roster. The likes of Kidman, Perry Saturn, and Kanyon all established their names when part of the group, eventually going on to have relatively successful singles careers after the Flock disbanded. One of the most entertaining of the assemblage was Lodi, who entered the Flock as a replacement for the injured Stevie Richards. Lodi soon became known as the 'sign guy' due to his habit of carrying an assortment of amusing placards to ringside, often making inside jokes at the expense of other workers. When Raven's coterie were 'freed', Lodi began teaming with ex-jobber Lenny Lane in another politically incorrect WCW gimmick - a gay tag-team whom the fans were supposed to jeer for their homosexuality. Reaction from LGBT groups was rightly disparaging. After being pilloried for essentially endorsing violence towards gay people, WCW eventually pulled the gimmick, and the incident ultimately led to liberal owner Ted Turner firing Eric Bischoff. Lodi meanwhile, took a six-month sabbatical before returning with his name reversed as the raver Idol. He was finally released in 2000 due to the dreaded 'personal demons'.
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Benjamin was born in 1987, and is still not dead. He variously enjoys classical music, old-school adventure games (they're not dead), and walks on the beach (albeit short - asthma, you know). He's currently trying to compile a comprehensive history of video game music, yet denies accusations that he purposefully targets niche audiences. He's often wrong about these things.