10 WCW Stars You Totally Forgot Existed

4. Big Sky

The list of esteemed alumni trained by the legendary Stu Hart rolls off the tongue. Dynamite Kid. Chris Benoit. Brian Pillman. Lance Storm. And...Big Sky? True enough, Saskatoon native Daryl Karolat did indeed train in the Dungeon, albeit briefly, before making sporadic appearances in WCW as the bodyguard of Doom in the late '80s. After touring Japan and Mexico with AJPW and CMLL respectively, Karolat found his way back to Georgia in 1993 where he began to team with Vinnie Vegas (Kevin Nash) under the name 'Big Sky'. It was a short-lived arrangement; Nash left for WWF in the same year, and Big Sky was left hanging in the air. WCW were typically unsure of what to do with Sky, and by the end of the annum he left for UWF. When founder Herb Abram's suddenly passed away in sordid circumstances, the company dissolved and Karolat decided to call quits on the wrestling game. Sky - who preferred to go by the name Tyler Mane - had a contingency. His impressive six foot eight frame had earned him various small television roles, and in 2000 he got his big break as Sabretooth in X-Men. Ironically, the role had originally been intended for former partner Nash, but Big Sexy's conflicted schedule saw the part go to Mane. How many other Dungeon graduates can claim a Hollywood career?
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Editorial Team

Benjamin was born in 1987, and is still not dead. He variously enjoys classical music, old-school adventure games (they're not dead), and walks on the beach (albeit short - asthma, you know). He's currently trying to compile a comprehensive history of video game music, yet denies accusations that he purposefully targets niche audiences. He's often wrong about these things.