10 WCW World Heavyweight Championship Challengers Nobody Remembers

9. Road Warrior Hawk, Jim Duggan, The Yeti, And More - World War 3, 1995

Hulk Hogan mystery

Everyone loves a good ol' battle royal, right? 30 or so performers beating the crap out of each other for the right to challenge for, or even win a piece of gold. What's not to like?

Well, sensing there was money to be made in this concept, and seeing how well WWE's Royal Rumble concept had gone down with punters, WCW opted to throw a whopping 60 men into three separate rings and have them all duke it out to become the new WCW World Champion in a World War 3 battle royal in 1995.

As you've likely guessed, away from the more credible faces like Randy Savage, Sting, Hulk Hogan, etc., a whole host of jobbers needed to be pumped into this contest as a way of making up the numbers. So, that meant that the likes of Road Warrior Hawk, Jim Duggan, The Yeti, Disco Inferno, and many more stars who usually wouldn't have gotten a sniff at the big gold belt were all (technically) in with a chance of winning.

Savage would eventually walk away with the W in the end, but let the record show that these forgotten faces all had a shot at the big time.

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Hulk Hogan
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...