10 Weakest WWE Return Pops Ever
3. Evolution

Evolution ruled WWE from 2003 to 2005, but inevitably collapsed when their respective egos could no longer coexist. Randy Orton was the first to go, then Batista, before Triple H eventually turned on Ric Flair, bringing the group's dominant run to an official end.
They reunited for a single night in December 2007, but otherwise stayed dormant until April 2014, when the group was reunited. Daniel Bryan had just defeated all three of Triple H, Batista, and Orton in the same night to become WWE Champion, and 'The Viper' and 'The Animal' came together for a tag match the following evening. They attacked Bryan ahead of a title defence against Triple H later that night, but The Shield jumped 'The Game' during the bout, sowing the seeds for their return.
The Shield were booked in an 11-on-3 handicap match the following week, and Evolution's theme hit across the PA system. Unfortunately for them, it wasn't the big moment they were hoping for. The Birmingham, Alabama crowd either didn't remember the group, or didn't care, making this one of the more embarrassing comebacks of their respective careers.