10 Weird Inspirations Behind Famous Wrestling Attires

1. Rey Mysterio (The Joker)

WrestleMania XXV is instantly memorable for the titanic clash between Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker. The card also featured a real blink-and-you'll-miss-it effort between Rey Mysterio and JBL. The latter's Intercontinental Title was on the line, and the bout only lasted around 20 seconds. Mysterio would leave with the belt, but he also made an impression with his choice of outfit. In similar fashion to his earlier Daredevil inspiration, Rey used the character of The Joker in 2009. 'The Dark Knight' had been released the previous Summer, with Heath Ledger's portrayal of Batman's arch nemesis proving an extremely popular incarnation of the devilish persona. Mysterio, a babyface, chose to create a mask mimicking The Joker.
This was the very definition of weird inspiration, because The Joker is one of the biggest villains of all time. Admittedly, the mask did look cool and unique, but the green hair spouting from it during Rey's entrance was almost comical. Using one of the biggest bad guys in film for your heroic entrance at WrestleMania is interesting, to say the least. What other weird theories about inspiration for famous wrestling attires can you think of? What do you think of the entries posted here? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.