10 Weird Inspirations Behind Famous Wrestling Attires

2. The Undertaker (Batman)

At the Survivor Series 1996 event, The Undertaker was reborn. The previous month, at In Your House 11: Buried Alive, 'Taker had been buried by Mankind and a whole host of other heels. This was the death of one era for the character, but the beginning of a new one. Around the same time that Sting started to do so, Undertaker emerged from the rafters at Survivor Series. Sporting a new, somehow even darker look, Undertaker also had a cape in the shape of wings. The cape looked almost exactly like the one most closely attributed to Batman. The intention was clear, The Undertaker was returning as a vigilante to wreak havoc on those who had cost him dearly. The Undertaker was, in many ways, similar to 'The Dark Knight'.
The wings wouldn't be used much after Survivor Series, but it was quite the spectacular entrance. It'd be interesting to hear from Undertaker about why the outfit was chosen, because it was surely there to mimic Batman. When the wings were spread out, they even looked like the infamous Batman symbol.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.