10 Weird Inspirations Behind Famous Wrestling Attires

10. Seth Rollins (White Power Ranger)

At SummerSlam, Seth Rollins emerged for his 'Title vs. Title' match against John Cena with a wholly different look. Gone was the darker shades the man had previously made his own, and instead there was a bright, white colour. Flashes of gold permeated this new outfit, but there was something familiar about the overall aesthetic. Rewind to the early-to-mid-1990's, and wrestling fans may find an answer. For a few years, The Power Rangers were all the rage. All the typical colours and shades were there, such as blue, green, pink, black and yellow. Joining them was the white Ranger, Tommy. At SummerSlam, that's exactly who Seth Rollins looked like. The logo on Seth's belt buckle even looked like the chest piece used by the white Power Ranger. In addition, those flashed of gold that stood out across his outfit, those were also prevalent on the Ranger. Jim Ross remarked that Rollins didn't exactly look like a heel with this colour choice, but he did look like Tommy from Power Rangers!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.