10 Weird Inspirations Behind Famous Wrestling Attires

6. Demolition (Mad Max)

Ask many wrestling fans who their favourite tag-team of the 1980's is, and there's a good chance Demolition will come up in conversation. Largely created as the then-WWF's answer to The Road Warriors, Ax and Smash were a similar, power house tag-team. Eventually, they would become babyfaces, but they initially appeared as face-painted heels. There's no doubt about it, Demolition took influence from the 'Lord Humungus' character from Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (released in 1981). Similarly, it makes sense that Road Warrior Hawk and Road Warrior Animal also did the same, given the title of their tandem. Looking at Ax and Smash, the comparison is clear. The same leather and studs outfit is worn by both characters. Better yet, they also wore masks that were eerily similar to Humungus on their way to the ring. These masks were eventually phased out, and worn far less often when Demolition became good guys. This is an excellent example of wrestling aping pop culture.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.