10 Weirdest Ways Wrestlers Got Hired By WWE

1. To Prove Vince McMahon’s Point

Sable Marc Mero

Alongside fake "Diesel" Glenn Jacobs (who'd go on to better things as Kane), Mick Foley is the biggest star on this list. However, even he had an odd experience when signing up for the mighty WWF back in 1996. Y'see, Vince McMahon didn't think Foley would be a big success in the company. Jim Ross, conversely, certainly did.

McMahon gave JR permission to sign Mick, but warned him that he'd soon find out what it was like to have a wrestler you covet break your heart. How poetic. Fortunately for everybody, Vince's attempted teachable moment turned out to be total bullsh*t. Foley's work as Mankind was absolute gold, and that was just scratching the surface of his contributions.

It's so strange to think that one of the biggest success stories in WWF/WWE history was given the green light because Vince planned to show someone what it was like to have their hopes dashed. JR signed Mick, he made the most of Mankind, and Foley turned into one of the best babyfaces ever.


Which other wrestlers were hired by WWE in really strange ways? For more content, check out 10 Fascinating Backstage WWE Facts About John Cena and 10 Secrets Behind The Legendary WWE Bloodline Saga!

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