10 Weirdest Ways Wrestlers Got Hired By WWE

2. Being Friends With The Boss’s Son

Sable Marc Mero

Anybody who has ever attended even one pro wrestling training session could tell you that this stuff is hard. Learning to bump sucks at first, and it hurts. Of course, unless you're prepared to put the work in then you'll never make it to the bright lights of Raw and WrestleMania, right?

Enter the Mean Street Pose (or two of them, at least).

Neither Pete Gas nor Rodney were trained workers when they turned up on WWF telly in 1999 as part of Shane McMahon's entourage. In fact, their only exposure to wrestling at all was through Shane. Fellow Posse member Joey Abs was trained though, so they had that going for them at least.

Yes, Gas and Rodney were signed during the heady heights of the 'Attitude Era' because they were pals with the boss's son away from the ring. That's insane to think about, 'cause it doesn't sound like the sort of thing that'd fly today.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.