10 Weirdest Ways Wrestlers Got Hired By WWE

8. As A Favour To Stu Hart

Sable Marc Mero

'Hey, Vince. How about throwing something over to that big rhino?'.

Apparently, this is something one Stu Hart said to Vince McMahon over the phone on more than one occasion. The "rhino" in question was Jim Neidhart, and Stu was only trying to look out for his son-in-law by ensuring he had work during some trying times in his life. That's obviously a really nice thing, and Vince rarely said no.

This is why Neidhart repeatedly showed up time and time again despite personal problems wrecking the WWF's confidence in him. Bruce Prichard has spoken at length via his podcast about all the times Stu would phone up McMahon and ask for a little favour here or there.

Pretty much every single time Jim showed up on TV following his initial 1992 release was due to one of these Stu-led phone calls. That 1994 return? Orchestrated by Stu. His short-lived run as "Who?". Yep, it was Stu asking Vince if Neidhart could get a gig.

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Mick Foley
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