10 Weirdest Ways Wrestlers Got Hired By WWE

7. Literally Lived The Gimmick

Sable Marc Mero

The WWF couldn't have handpicked a better person to play the role of shrieking urn-carrier Paul Bearer in the early-90s. William Moody had earned a rep for himself as the charismatic Percy Pringle, but that contrasted vividly with his work as The Undertaker's ghoulish manager.

In real-life, Moody actually helped run a funeral home and had worked in the funeral industry for years. So, he had key knowledge that'd make the Bearer character more credible whilst still being totally over the top and cartoonish at the same time. In other words, nobody was better-placed to play the gimmick than him.

Imagine that. It'd be like WWE head-hunting someone to play a successful YouTuber on Raw, then Logan Paul turning up at their door. OK, seriously, it is rather spooky that a literal funeral home gaffer became Taker's second on TV. That must've been an interesting moment in the interview when Moody said, 'I actually work in a funeral home, y'know'.

Ooooh yes!

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