10 Weirdest Ways Wrestlers Got Hired By WWE

4. As Cosplay Knockoffs

Sable Marc Mero

Picture the scene: You're a pro wrestling hopeful who's begging for a big break. Suddenly, the phone rings, and it's the World Wrestling Federation. They want to offer you a job, but on one condition. You'll be given a potential death spot by pretending to be someone who only left the company months before.

That happened to both Rick Bognar and Glenn Jacobs.

They were tasked with mimicking Scott Hall and Kevin Nash as Razor Ramon and Diesel respectively, and even they had to know it'd suck. Still, what was the alternative? Say no to the biggest company in the land (WCW hadn't quite rocketed to the top quite yet) and potentially miss out on more work down the road?

Who'd do that?! Bognar and Jacobs did their best to become "Razor" and "Diesel", but they were exclusively hired so the WWF could try to win a court case arguing that Hall and Nash were playing federation characters on Nitro.

The whole thing was as lame as it sounds.

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Mick Foley
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.