10 Weirdest Ways Wrestlers Got Hired By WWE

3. Being The Wrong One-Legged Wrestler

Sable Marc Mero

Take a bow, John Laurinaitis.

WWE had asked Laurinaitis to hire a one-legged wrestler who'd been spotted on the independent circuit and in NWA-TNA. He'd then be written into a 2003 storyline with major players like Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan. Unfortunately, Johnny not-so-Ace failed to do his homework and hired the wrong one-legged worker.

That was quite the clanger. Despite being pictured above, Gowan isn't the wrestler who should be focused on here. No, it should really be the poor sod who was offered a deal, turned up to WWE HQ, found out what had happened and then had to leave without inking a contract with the company.

WWE got their man in the end, but Laurinaitis must've felt like a prize idiot for months after this ordeal. There weren't too many one-legged wrestlers doing the rounds 20 years ago, but Johnny somehow managed to find another and tried to sign him instead.


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