10 Weirdest WCW Nitro Main Events Ever

1. Vince Russo vs Booker T - September 25th 2000

Vince Russo Booker T

WCW did many, many, many stupid things in its time, but one of its most dunderheaded moves was putting its world title on head writer - and non-wrestler - Vince Russo. 

This travesty went down on the September 25th 2000 episode of Nitro. Russo got the main event slot against defending champion Booker T, but this was no ordinary match. This was a Caged Heat match! 

That means it was basically a Hell in a Cell rip-off. 

Russo tried to get the better of his opponent by wearing football gear and wielding a baseball bat, but Booker had things in hand. That was, until Russo's rival Goldberg showed up and speared Vince through the cage wall. 

Since the objective of the match was to escape the cage and Russo had been judged to have done so first, he was declared the new champion. Not only that, but he immediately vacated the title, meaning that Booker T couldn't even get his win back! 

If anyone you know ever tries to defend Vinny Ru and his booking decisions, just show them this. That should get them to shut up. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.