10 Weirdest WCW Nitro Main Events Ever

7. Ric Flair vs Eric Bischoff - December 28th 1998

Vince Russo Booker T

Anyone who's seen Starrcade 1998 will know that Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair had a match that Easy E won after punching Naitch with a foreign object. 

Eric Bischoff holds a pinfall victory over Ric Flair. And people have the nerve to suggest that wrestling is unrealistic. 

Luckily, Flair got the chance to right this wrong the very next night on Nitro when he took on Bischoff in a rematch. This time, the presidency of WCW was on the line, so you can bet your rear end there was a whole lot of nonsense surrounding this match. 

The NWO and The Four Horseman all got involved, as did DDP, Booker T, and a returning Randy Savage, who turned on the black and white by beating up The Giant. All this chaos resulted in Flair submitting Bischoff via the Figure Four, winning the day for the good guys.

The crowd absolutely loved this segment, cheering for it like it was the second coming, but of all Flair's great main event opponents over the years - Hogan, Sting, Steamboat, Funk etc. - Bischoff definitely ranks towards the bottom in terms of wrestling prestige. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.