10 Weirdest WCW Nitro Main Events Ever

6. The Wall vs Hulk Hogan - March 27th 2000

Vince Russo Booker T

Whilst most people will remember Hulk Hogan and The Wall (brother) from that incredible segment where Hogan was able to identify his enemy whilst he was standing on top of a massive building, they did actually have a match. 

It took place on Nitro on March 27th 2000 and was a throwback to Hogan's glory days, where he would defend the WWF Championship against the monster of the month. That strategy might have worked in 1984, but in 2000? Yeah, maybe not. 

Wall was being given a pretty substantial push at the team that involved him chokeslamming a lot of people off of very high things, but this wasn't nearly enough to put him on Hogan's level. There was no way The Hulkster was going to take a bump like that, jack, nor was there any reality where this meathead was going to get a clean win. 

Sure enough, the match ended in a DQ when Vampiro attacked The Wall, even though Hogan had hit him with a chair just moments earlier. The two would never face off one-on-one ever again. 

At least we'll always have the building promo. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.