10 Weirdest WCW Nitro Main Events Ever

5. Goldberg vs Glacier - May 18th & June 29th 1998

Vince Russo Booker T

Here's a weird match that didn't just main event one episode of Nitro, but two. 

Raymond Lloyd is best known to the wrestling world as Glacier, the Mortal Kombat-inspired character who debuted in WCW in 1996 with one of the craziest backstories ever. There simply isn't enough time to go into it now, but it's definitely worth a read. 

Despite his entrance and ring gear costing a fortune, Glacier spent most of his time in the midcard, but would challenge for the occasional championship. He got the honour of closing Nitro twice in 1998 (the May 18th and June 29th episodes) and on both shows his opponent was defending United States champion Goldberg. 

On one side of the ring, you had an ultra-serious badass whose character was firmly rooted in reality. On the other, you had a guy ripped right from the pages of a pulpy comic book. Who on Earth thought this was a good idea?

Predictably, Bill dispatched the wannabe Sub Zero on both occasions. In total, Glacier would contribute four points to Goldberg's legendary win streak, but would never get his frozen hands on a title of his own.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.