10 Weirdest Wrestler Cameos In Movies

6. The Big Show - Jingle All The Way

Chris Jericho Jay And Silent Bob Reboot
20th Century Fox

It will come as no surprise to fans of The Big Show to see him appear again on this list. Well before The Rock transitioned into mainstream movie stardom, the veteran wrestler appeared in a string flicks throughout the nineties, ranging from a short appearance in classic Adam Sandler vehicle The Waterboy, essentially playing himself, to this brief cameo in Arnold Schwarzenegger family flick Jingle All the Way.

Yes, the nineties were a weird time for all of us, and the frequent presence of Schwarzenegger as a kid’s film protagonist just shows how strange trips to the multiplex could be at the time. Jingle All the Way is an odd enough flick as is (why would a kid’s film be premised around the idea that Santa isn’t real), but the Big Show’s appearance makes for one of its stand-out strange moments.

The massive wrestler plays one of many mall Santas that Schwarzenegger’s beleaguered suburban dad faces off against and leaves us wondering which mall needed a near seven-foot-tall musclebound Santa, given that the performer is far too tall and visibly jacked to pass for jolly old Saint Nick.

Maybe the kids queueing for Santa were big wrestling fans?


Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.