10 Weirdest WWE Raw Main Events Ever

8. Jim Ross & John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio & Michael Cole - October 17th 2011

Harvey Wippleman vs. Howard Finkel

The October 17th 2011 episode of Raw emanated from Mexico City so you'd think WWE would have given Alberto Del Rio - their biggest Mexican star at the time - something worthwhile to do. 


Instead, they put him into this bizarre match where he and John Cena would each be teaming with a member of the broadcast team. Cena had Good Ol' JR as his backup, whilst Del Rio got saddled with trying to get people to care about Michael Cole. 

JR and Cole inexplicably started this match, until Ross slapped the younger commentator so hard that he ran away and tagged in Del Rio. Thankfully, this was the majority of their time spent in the ring, as the two actual wrestlers handled most of the rest of the action. 

Cena was kind enough to let JR tag in and use an Ankle Lock to make Cole tap, but only after he'd softened him up with an AA. Gotta keep him looking strong. 

There was some point to this as Del Rio and Cena were building to a WWE Championship match at the upcoming Vengeance pay-per-view, but why they had to do this to get there remains a mystery. 

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.