10 Weirdest WWE SmackDown Main Events Ever

7. The Rock, Chris Jericho & Mike Chioda vs The Dudley Boyz & Nick Patrick - October 4th 2001

Fabulous Moolah Big Show

Anyone who's seen the InVasion pay-per-view might remember that WWE referee Earl Hebner took on WCW referee Nick Patrick in a five-star classic of a match. 

That 450 Splash from Hebner was truly something. 

Anyway, it turns out that wasn't the only time officials from opposing companies got into it in 2001, as demonstrated by this show-closing bout from the October 4th SmackDown. 

Patrick returned to the ring for his second and final WWE match with his opposite number this time being the WWE's Mike Chioda in his one and only competitive fixture. As for the actual wrestlers, The Dudley Boyz were backing up Patrick whilst Chioda had The Rock and Chris Jericho on his side. 

After a typically nonsense brawl that saw Chioda rip Patrick's shirt off in the worst softcore movie ever made, Rocky hit a Rock Bottom on the WCW ref, which was then followed by a Lionsault from Y2J, which was then followed by the worst People's Elbow of all time from Chioda to end this insane match in a victory for the good guys. 

Poor Nick, what did he ever do? 

Oh yeah, Starrcade '97.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.