10 Weirdest WWE SmackDown Main Events Ever

6. Finlay & Little Bastard vs The Boogeyman & Little Boogeyman - February 23rd 2007

Fabulous Moolah Big Show

Fans watching No Way Out 2007 were subjected to some absolute tosh when Finlay and his "son" Hornswoggle - who was legitimately called "Little Bastard" during this time period - took on The Boogeyman and... *sigh*... Lil' Boogeyman. 

Rob Van Dam versus Shelton Benjamin got bumped to the pre-show for this. 

Because its audience clearly hadn't suffered enough, WWE ran this match back just five days later on SmackDown and, for reasons known only to Vince McMahon, it was the final match on the card. 

At least this version was significantly shorter at just 2:46, but watching well-respected grappler Fit Finlay trying to work with this menagerie of joke characters whilst the announce team were making demeaning comments about little people was just as painful to sit through the second time. 

The Irish crew got the win with Hornswoggle pinning The Boogeyman (as if anyone cares), but this feud still wasn't over. The two teams fought again on an episode of Saturday Night's Main Event, before Swoggle beat Lil Boogey in a singles match on SmackDown in May to mercifully banish this feud from TV forever. 


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.