10 Worst Animal-Related Angles In Wrestling History

3. Big Boss Man Feeds Al Snow 'Pepper'

As mentioned during the introduction to this article, The Big Boss Man and Al Snow had some problems working with animals during their feud. The 'Kennel From Hell' match at Unforgiven 1999 was far from the brutal bout it was ear-marked to be. Instead, it was brutal in a different sense, because the dogs involved in the action just didn't want to act appropriately. There was a reason that Boss Man and Snow hated one another's guts, and it all started with Al's pet dog. Dubbed 'Pepper', the chihuahua was a replacement for the 'Head' mannequin dummy that Snow had previously carried around with him. The Big Boss Man decided to 'dog-nap' the animal, but promised to give him back if Snow could defeat him. Naturally, even though the heel lost, he decided to keep Pepper anyway. In creepy fashion, Boss Man invited Snow to his hotel room, where both men could talk over the situation. Feeding Al dinner, Boss Man later revealed that Snow had just eaten his own dog. When people discuss how great the 'Attitude Era' was for creativity, this kind of nonsense is crucially left out.
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Al Snow
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