10 Worst Animal-Related Angles In Wrestling History

4. Bad News Brown's Sewer Rats

Something which permeated many of Jake Robert's feuds was that his opponents had a fear of snakes. This was wholly believable, but why did WWF management feel the need to try and add other animals into the mix? Not only did it happen with Ricky Steamboat, but Bad News Brown even introduced his own brand of pet to try and even the score on 'The Snake'. Brown and Roberts were set to collide at SummerSlam 1990, and their problems with one another started in strange fashion. Being interviewed by 'Mean' Gene Okerlund, Bad News told everyone that it was his birthday soon. Handing the heel a present from Jake Roberts, Okerlund laughed as Brown reeled away in horror at the contents of the box. It was a snake, something he was deathly scared of. Looking to get back at his rival, Bad News said that he was going to bring huge sewer rats from Harlem, New York to SummerSlam. During promos involving the 'rats', they actually sounded more like pigs and barely even moved. At the PPV, they weren't even visible. Instead, they sat in a big black box, one which would occasionally shake. Roberts vs. Bad News only lasted 5 minutes at SummerSlam, a pretty unsatisfying end to their barmy feud.
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Al Snow
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.