10 Worst Attitude Era PPVS
The disappointments, disasters and tragedies from WCW and WWE during wrestling's hottest era.

The Attitude Era was a revolutionary time for wrestling, creating arguably the biggest boom period in the history of the industry. While the term focuses mostly on the WWF who emphasised the idea of "Attitude" (you know, the sex, violence and sophomoric humour), it also describes the overall zeitgeist of the time, with companies like ECW and WCW also featuring more mature content and edgier storylines.
While it is generally revered as a golden age of wrestling, giving the world stars like The Rock, Triple H, Mankind, Kane and Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Attitude Era was about getting people talking, and a lot of the time that goal led to some down right stinkers of pay-per-views.
Whether it's dogs peeing on the floor, entire PPV feeds getting cut off across the country or the untimely death of a beloved star, there are a lot of shows from this time period that really don't need revisiting.
The sheer amount of professional wrestling available, and the competition between the big three promotions led to an arms race of sorts in order to get the most buzz. Now, with the benefit of hindsight, it's easy to look back and analyse just what makes the worst pay-per-views of the Attitude Era.
10. WrestleMania 2000

WrestleMania 2000 sets the tone immediately with the giant mess that is the Hardcore Battle Royale for the WWF Hardcore Championship. These matches are chaotic as it is, but with ten men in a Championship Scramble scenario, it's hard to get invested in the stakes, and things get so confusing that the wrong man walked away with the Hardcore Championship.
The show does have two redeeming matches, firstly the Triangle Ladder Match between The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz and Edge and Christian (which waas really the proto-Tables, Ladders and Chairs match).
There's also a really great triple threat match for both the European and Intercontinental Championships (Chris Benoit versus Kurt Angle versus Chris Jericho) but it wasn't enough to make WrestleMania 2000 worth watching from start to finish.
The main event will always be a black mark on WrestleMania history, because as good as it is (and it isn't very good), it was the only chance for a classic The Rock versus Triple H main event at WrestleMania.
It's nice that Mick Foley got his WrestleMania main event, but there's a reason this stands as the only fatal four-way top-liner in WrestleMania history, and it cheated the fans of what could and probably would have been a WrestleMania classic.