10 Worst Booked WWE Champions Of 2020

2. Charlotte (NXT Women's Championship)

Randy Orton WWE Champion

Charlotte Flair was given an impossible job when WWE booked her as NXT champion.

With NXT taking a weekly hammering from AEW, Vince McMahon saw Charlotte as the weapon that could turn the tide in the ratings war. Unfortunately, that proved to be too tall an order for the Horsewoman as Tony Kahn's upstart promotion continued trouncing the black and yellow brand during her time as champ.

To be clear, the blame for Charlotte's failure to increase NXT's ratings lies solely at the feet of WWE's head honchos, not Charlotte herself. Firstly, due to the way modern WWE builds (or hasn't built) stars, there is no one star big enough to single-handedly reverse NXT's fortunes. Even Roman Reigns alone couldn't provide the necessary boost - he'd need another star on the level of McIntyre or Orton to come with him for NXT to have a shot at toppling AEW.

Secondly, if WWE intended Charlotte to be a special attraction for NXT they shot themselves in the foot by regularly booking her to appear on RAW and SmackDown on top of her NXT appearances. Why would anyone tune in to watch NXT for their Charlotte fix when they had already seen her on RAW, and would likely see her again on SmackDown? Not to mention the fact that Charlotte's moonlighting turned the fanbase against her and made the NXT title look like nothing more than a prop she dragged along with her while continuing her business on the main roster.

The way Charlotte dropped the title - "losing" a triple threat match when Io Shirai pinned the hapless Rhea Ripley - simply enforced the notion that Charlotte was a cut above the NXT roster, and that the NXT title had always been beneath her. A champion should always elevate the belt, but WWE's booking of Charlotte did the exact opposite.

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Randy Orton
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