10 Worst Fashion Mistakes By Triple H

1. Terminator 31 €“ Game Day

This past year at WrestleMania, Triple H did the impossible, not only did he beat Sting and ruin any future money with Sting in WWE but he also managed to outdo all the previous fashion errors, I€™ve listed here so far. With Arnold Schwarzenegger going into the Hall of Fame the night before, there€™d been confirmation that some of HHH€™s entrance would be Terminator themed, which was cool. Only, Sting, THE BABYFACE, came out with a bunch of guys on drums in facepaint, except an old guy who just decided he didn€™t want to wear any, and then Sting had to stand there with a straight face, as Triple H gave a live audition for James Cameron, incase he does a new Terminator to save the franchise at some point. Now the Terminator robots looked amazing, no doubt about it, so you figured HHH would look equally as good. But oh good god, no he didn€™t. As you can see above, he looks like he made a terminator costume out of tin foil for a school project and got to wear it at WrestleMania. Poor Sting stood there thinking, what€™s going on. Fans at home were in awe of the shitness of the Terminator costume, but luckily, a pre taped Arnie saying it€™s judgment day and time to play the game would save the entrance. Y€™know, Arnold helps give the cool entrance for THE HEEL. Fair play to Triple H, he€™s had some appalling outfits, but we still love him for having the balls to keep trying.
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Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.