10 Worst Fashion Mistakes By Triple H

2. Terra Ryzing

Before I get into the look, lets address the name first. In WCW, Levesque was called Terra Ryzing as in Terrorising. Atrocious ring name, but then we get to the look. I commend Triple H for having the time, and follicle ability to grow Ric Flair€™s 1982 blond hair look. As a fine haired Scotsman, I€™ll never know those flowing locks, but in 1994, when HHH turned up looking like a poor man€™s Ric Flair, it did nothing to help his career. At first he€™d come out and wear tights, just like Flair did, with hair just like the Nature Boy but being a green kid from Massachusetts, he clearly couldn€™t hold a candle to Flair in the ring, so the imitation came across as even worse as originally intended. He€™d change his gear and start looking in ring, like Hunter Hearst Helmsley but the damage had already been done. Terra Ryzing was terrorizing WCW fans across the globe with his cheap imitation of the top guy in the promotion and never stood a chance with what little time and guidance the company gave him. Thankfully he moved on in 1995.
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Triple H
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Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.