10 Worst Fashion Mistakes By Triple H

3. Double Denim Triple H

When HHH returned on the first RAW of 2002, I remember re-watching it like 16 times. The ovation from MSG and The Game being back was just too much too handle. It was so well executed from the build up in the vignettes with the U2 Beautiful Day song, all the way to bringing him back on RAW in The Garden, it was excellent. But€. One fashion sin that The King of Kings has to be held accountable for is a change that we should all take a long hard look in the mirror and question if we do it, and that€™s double denim. Had HHH come out with jeans and a leather jacket on, it would€™ve looked badass. No problem. But when you then put a denim vest over the black leather jacket to go with the denim trousers, that€™s A LOT of denim for one man to wear. On the way to the ring, he looks like he€™s having trouble getting to the ring because he€™s wearing so many clothes. He almost reminds me of Joey in Friends when he comes in wearing all of Chandlers clothes. Triple H looked really cool in the leather jacket, but toss the denim vest mate, double denim€™s never OK.
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Triple H
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Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.