10 Worst Fashion Mistakes By Vince McMahon

5. Cowboy Vince

Whenever you watch clips of Vince McMahon on TV from the 90s, you can tell he secretly thinks he€™s the coolest guy in the room whether he's wearing snazzy suits with bow tie, or his tracksuits or doing some awkward white guy dancing at the announce desk with Sunny. But on two occasions, WWF decided to make all their announcers cowboys, at Survivor Series 1994 in San Antonio, Texas and at the Canadian Stampede PPV in Calgary, Canada in 1997. Naturally big Vince spared no expense in getting a Stetson hat, waistcoat, cowboy boots and made sure he and his fellow commentators glorified cowboys during the course of the broadcasts. It was a struggle to pick out which Cowboy costume made Vince look more absurd but the Survivor Series 1994 just has the edge. McMahon opened the show with Gorilla Monsoon, and they were positively giddy to be dressed up in cowboy regalia. I€™m surprised Vince didn€™t have a starter pistol and get to shoot blanks to make himself feel like a real cowboy, so into the bit was he. Then again, maybe Vince could predict the future and knowingly prevented anyone on the internet to make a joke about Vinnie Mac 'firing blanks'.

Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.