10 Worst Fashion Mistakes By Vince McMahon

4. Stand Back!

In 1987, there was such a great variety of music coming out of the US, from Bon Jovi and Guns n€™ Roses to Michael Jackson and Madonna. Then came this young, up and coming hunk intent on capturing our hearts. That's right, I'm talking about Vince McMahon. The genius who was in the process of taking wrestling worldwide after making it national, had come up with the ideas for the WWF to have their own awards show like the Oscars or The Grammys, billing them as The Slammy Awards. The inaugural show took place in 1986 and it was camp, it was good fun and, importantly, it did a decent rating. In 1987, it was brought back and in the most bizarre segment on the show, you had all the lead babyfaces on saxophone, guitar and other instruments. Everyone Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage to Brutus Beefcake and Jake Roberts was given some sort of instrument. All of this was an elaborate set up for Vince to come out and tear the house down with his pop classic €˜Stand Back€™. Firstly, McMahon pretty much shouted the lyrics as the backing dancers threw themselves at him like he was George Michael in Faith, and he was wearing a suit but had gotten rid of his jacket. He looked like he€™d had a few too many pints at a wedding and got up to do a bit of karaoke. It was pretty bad. Not surprisingly, both Chris Jericho and Triple H have mocked McMahon for this on RAW by replaying the infamous clip.

Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.