10 Worst Feuds Of CM Punk's WWE Career

8. John Bradshaw Layfield

CM Punk won his first World Heavyweight Title on June 30, 2008 after a cashing-in his Money in the Bank title shot at Edge. One of his first rivals after becoming Champion was John Bradshaw Layfield. The idea behind the feud was that JBL was a veteran that was a former WWE Champion, so if Punk could get past him then he would prove that he was worthy Champion himself. At this point in his career, JBL looked like he was done in the ring. He just couldn't move around that well and it was obvious that he was struggling out there (he had serious back and knee injuries). It's not like JBL was that good in the ring either, so by that point in his career he went from an average performer to a below average one. The buildup to their big match was bad with JBL challenging Punk to an alcohol drinking contest since Punk was straight edge and wouldn't drink alcohol. The whole thing came off as really lame instead of a creative way to get heel heat. That led to their SummerSlam 2008 match for the World Title where Punk tried his best to put on a good showing with the veteran that was well past his prime, but it just didn't work. The whole thing was pretty forgettable and not the best start to Punk's first reign as World Heavyweight Champion.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.