10 Worst Final Champions In Wrestling History

1. Hornswoggle - WWE Cruiserweight Championship

Hornswoggle Cruiserweight Champion Studio

The first WWE Cruiserweight Championship was also in fact the old WCW Cruiserweight Championship, the belt that changed the game for high-flying in North America and introduced millions of fans to a world outside of beefed-up muscleheads. 

In Ted Turner's promotion, all-time legends like Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, and Eddie Guerrero all made their mark on the title, with Mysterio and Guerrero's clash over the belt at Halloween Havoc 1997 regarded as one of the best matches in company history. 

In WWE, though treated with less prestige, the belt was still held by great wrestlers like Matt Hardy, Juventud Guerrera, and Chavo Guerrero. And then came Hornswoggle... 

The son of Vince McMahon/Finlay won the title in a six-way match at the 2006 Great American Bash at the age of just 21. He reigned for a little over two months before being stripped of the title, which was never seen again. 

Considering that Swoggle was treated as a joke for most of his WWE career, it was absolutely criminal that such an important championship ended via him. It was like WWE twisting the knife in WCW all over again, some five years after they already killed it. 


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.