10 Worst Final Champions In Wrestling History

9. Alberto El Patrón - GFW Global Championship

Hornswoggle Cruiserweight Champion Studio

When it comes to great entrepreneurs in wrestling, you could argue there is no one more notorious than Jeff "Buy My Gold" Jarrett. 

One of Double J's many, many schemes was Global Force Wrestling, a promotion that, at one point, looked like it was going to absorb his other great creation, TNA. The company was founded in 2014 and crowned Nick Aldis as its first Global Champion the following year . The former Magnus would reign for a whopping 547, before dropping the title to... oh no... not Alberto El Patrón! 

The Artist Formerly Known as Alberto Del Rio beat Aldis in 2017 and then, just 71 days later, defeated Bobby Lashley to unify the title with TNA's top prize. Despite Jeff's best efforts, TNA - or Impact Wrestling as it was known at the time - was deemed to be the bigger brand, so the GFW Global Championship ceased to exist. 

El Patrón was stripped of it after just 43 days following a dispute with his then-girlfriend Paige.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.