10 Worst Injuries Suffered In WWE Ladder Matches

2. Chris Benoit

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xqt7e_wwf-tlc-3-the-one-on-smackdown-full_sport Chris Benoit took part in the third ever TLC match on an edition of WWE SmackDown in May 2001. Benoit and Jericho were defending their newly won WWE tag team titles against the Dudleys, Edge and Christian, and the Hardy Boys. This particular match was significant as it was the first time that a TLC match would consist of four different teams. During the match, Benoit badly injured his neck, and he went on to have neck fusion surgery performed which kept him out for the rest of 2001 and several months into 2002. This was deemed a big loss for the WWE at the time, as the WCW invasion storyline was launched during the period of his absence. Benoit would have been one of the most obvious former WCW faces who could have played a large role during the several month long program.

Ryan is a sports fanatic, technology junkie, and avid gamer.