10 Worst Moments From WWE’s Best Performers

1. The Miz's First Babyface Push

The Miz Ric Flair

There have been calls from some corners of the wrestling fandom for WWE to bite the bullet and turn The Miz babyface. Why not? He's one of the best talkers under contract, has developed nicely as a worker and people respect him more than ever.

If WWE's writing team look back to the past though, they'll see that Miz is probably best off staying heel.

Following on from an awkwardly patriotic feud with Cesaro towards the end of 2012, during which Miz defended the honour of America against the "foreign menace", he was then briefly given Ric Flair as some sort of career mentor. Ric even gave Miz permission to use his Figure Four Leg Lock submission hold and the pair had a "Woo" session that might make Jay Lethal cry if he ever sees it.

Fans didn't take to Miz, probably because WWE didn't provide any good reason why they were suddenly expected to start cheering him. After that dreadful babyface run, it took the slick-talking natural heel a good few years to find his feet as a top villain again.


Which other top WWE performers have had horrible moments? Let us know down in the comments section below!


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