10 Worst Moments From WWE’s Best Performers

5. Seth Rollins' Spurns A Natural Babyface Turn

Seth Rollins

Go back and watch the tail-end of Roman Reigns vs. AJ Styles at Extreme Rules 2016 to see a masterclass in drawing fan attention away from an unwanted result. As soon as Reigns won, a returning Seth Rollins gate-crashed the party with a thumping Pedigree. Fans were pleased to see the former champ, and he was welcomed back as a hero.

Then, 24 hours later on Raw, he told everyone to stick their support where the sun don't shine.

Talk about a missed opportunity. Rollins had worked the vindictive bad guy routine to death the prior year, and fans seemed genuinely enthusiastic to usher in a change of pace and cheer him like a comeback king. That wasn't the plan though, because WWE wanted to cast Roman Reigns as the good guy.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

As good as Seth's babyface run is in 2018, it could have happened a few years ago. People were ready to embrace it, and yet WWE's hesitancy forced everyone to fight against company wishes that Reigns be the goodie. Meanwhile, Rollins had to try in vain to draw heat.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.