10 Worst Moments From WWE’s Best Performers

6. Sami Zayn & "Lashley's Three Sisters"

Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn's potential as a grating, chirpy heel is untapped, but he's being let down by seriously poor material that has, thus far, failed to capture fan imaginations. It probably doesn't help that Sami is going up against super-bland babyface Bobby Lashley, or being penned to deliver WWE comedy so bad it hurts to watch.

The recent "Lashley's Three Sisters" guff conjured up images of "The Old Day", and that's not a favourable comparison.

Zayn, who is actually quite decent at cutting promos, is one of the most reliable in-ring workers WWE have at hand in 2018. Though he can work a good match against pretty much anybody, he can't work miracles with diabolical dialogue that sucks the energy out of the room. That's what happened when he interviewed the phony sisters.

Perhaps the most depressing thing about this is that WWE may blame Sami for how hard it bombed. He's not the one at fault. It was the writers who believed his boring jokes and rambling fake history lesson on the Lashley clan would keep people engaged for 15-20 minutes.

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Finn Balor
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